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What We Treat

Female stress incontinence: accidental urine leakage when coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising
Urge incontinence: sudden, uncontrollable urge to urinate
Urinary frequency: urinating more than 8-10 times in 24 hours.
Difficulty urinating of feeling of complete bladder emptying
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
dropped bladder, uterus or rectum
Bowel dysfunction
fecal incontinence: leakage of stool
inability to control gas
Interstitial Cystitis (IC)/Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS): pain before, during, or after urination
Dyspareunia: pain with sexual activity
Clitorodynia: pain in the clitoris
Vulvodynia/Vulvovestibulitis: pain in the genitalia or entrance of the vagina
Pudendal Neuralgia: pain in the genitals or anal-rectal area, Increased pain with sitting, wearing tight clothing or feeling of having a golf ball or tennis ball in the rectum
Pelvic floor muscle spasm
Rectal pain
Coccydynia: tailbone pain
Pregnancy related pain and dysfunction
pelvic girdle pain
pubic symphysis pain
low back pain
hip pain
rib pain
Postpartum pain and dysfunction
C-section scar pain
Episitomy scar pain
Diastasis Recti: separation of the abdominal muscles
Bladder/bowel leakage
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